Umaril the Unfeathered: Defeat Umaril and kill him for good, in both the physical and spiritual planes. The Blessing of Talos: Obtain the ninth relic: The Blessing of Talos. The Sword of the Crusader: Retrieve the Sword of the Crusader and reconsecrate it. The Faithful Squire: Retrieve the Greaves of the Crusader from Lathon. Stendarr's Mercy: Retrieve the Gauntlets of the Crusader from the Chapel of Stendarr in Chorrol. Wisdom of the Ages: Retrieve the Shield of the Crusader from Fort Bulwark. The Path of the Righteous: Retrieve the Mace of Zenithar from the Chapel of Zenithar in Leyawiin. Nature's Fury: Retrieve the Boots of the Crusader from the Shrine of Kynareth. The following four quests must be completed before Priory of the Nine is considered complete. Priory of the Nine: Retrieve the Cuirass of the Crusader from the Priory of the Nine.

The Shrine of the Crusader: Retrieve the Helm of the Crusader from Pelinal's lost shrine. The quests are: Pilgrimage: Complete the Pilgrimage of the Nine Divines to show that you are worthy. From finding relics and armour to killing specific NPC's. Instead multiple quests are added that require you to do a variety of things.